No, I am not being childish, I am making an important point. You started by saying that “peace is impossible without Israel recognizing that Palestinians are not invaders, have equally deep roots in the soil.” But equality is a symmetric relation. You may think your position “would include Palestinians accepting that Jews have the right to be there and to live in peace and equality,” but that is not the Palestinians’ position.
The Palestinians have always insisted precisely that Israeli Jews are invaders with no legitimate roots in the soil. That is the plain meaning of the slogan “from the River to the Sea,” despite whatever benign gloss you may try to place on it. The “progressive” left’s failure to recognize this is either plain ignorance or willful dishonesty.
That much-circulated map of “shrinking Palestine” is the result of the Arab population’s repeated rejection (since before they started calling themselves Palestinians) of any claim of Jews’ indigenous connection to the land, their repeated attempts to dislodge them by violence, and their consequent repeated losses of territory. If they had been willing to peacefully accept the partition of the territory when it was first proposed, the map today would look like this
instead of like this:
As Abba Eban famously said, the Palestinians have never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity.