Laura, this is eloquent. Reading your words, I hear echoes of my own Jewish experience: the key may be different, but the melody is reminiscent, like Dixieland and klezmer, or gospel and nigun. Like you CHOSSA, we are a transnational meta-ethnicity (your very apt word), scattered to the corners of the globe but joined by a common history, culture, and heritage. (The very word diaspora means “strewn like seed.”) Oppressed and maltreated, but resilient, proud and strong in our own memories and traditions.
Your story of your Papa’s drum beat resonates with mine about my grandmother’s lullaby. I’ve posted about it before, so I’ll just give you the link instead of re-quoting the whole thing here. I hope we two peoples can find ways to open our ears to each other. It breaks my heart that events are driving us apart.