I’m reminded of the well-known Yiddish folksong Oifn Pripetchik (“In the Fireplace”), which pictures a schoolroom where the rebbe is teaching children the alefbeis (Hebrew alphabet). The final stanza says
Az ir vet, kinderlach, elter vern
Vet ir farshteyn
Vifl in di oisyes lign trern,
Un vifil geveyn.
Az ir vet, kinderlach, dem Goles shlepn
Oisgemutshet zayn,
Vet ir fun di oisyes koiach shepn:
Kukt in zey arayn!
When, children, you grow older,
You will understand
How many tears lie in the letters,
And how much weeping.
When, children, of bearing [shlepping] the Exile
You grow weary,
You will draw strength from the letters:
Look into them!